
Our team, consisting of experts in startup fundraising, provides customized advisory services tailored to meet your unique needs.

Pitch Deck

€ 5,000.00 EUR

Build a winning Pitch Deck.

Service included?
60-90 minute Assessment Call
Professional Copy Rewrite
Revitalized Design
Editable (PPTX) & PDF Final Versions
Fundraising Guide & Data Room Checklist

Fundraising Boost

€ 1,000.00 EUR

Streamline your startup's fundraising with our expert guidance, allowing you to concentrate on business growth.

Service included?
Compose Messaging & Follow-ups
Connect up to 50 Investors Per Week
Pitch Deck Assessment
Access to €200k in Sponsored Perks
Access to 20,000+ Investor Database

Additional Services

€ 0.00 EUR

Whatever you need, we'll either provide it or connect you with experts who can.

Service included?
Logo & Branding
Website & Landing Page Creation
SEO & Ad Campaigns
Go-To-Market & Sales Consulting
Financial Projections & Valuation

"Maxime Paradis and his team were instrumental in our successful fundraising. Their expertise in crafting a compelling pitch and connecting us with the right investors was invaluable.

We couldn't have achieved our funding goals without their tailored approach and unwavering support."

Paradise Advisory

"I was amazed by the dedication and insight Maxime Paradis and his team brought to our fundraising process.

They provided end-to-end support, from refining our business model to perfecting our pitch. Thanks to them, we exceeded our fundraising targets."

Paradise Advisory

"Maxime Paradis's team was a catalyst for our success. Their strategic guidance in identifying and engaging with investors was exceptional.

They don't just offer services; they partner with you in every step of your fundraising journey."

Paradise Advisory


Raise money.


Invest starting €1k.


Any other request.